For Halloween this year, Stephen and I dressed up and went to a party at the Martino's. It was fun and crazy. Stephen dressed up at a 70's disco king with leather jacket and gold chain. I was a sweet innocent farmer girl with way to much make up. I decided along time ago that comfort is so much more important than anything. So shoe less and comfy is the way I go.
Kelsey and Shelby spent the night at Deb and Steve's having a great time. The next day we all went home. I was a fun night for the whole family. I would post pictures, but they are a little to crazy. Hope your Halloween is fun and frightful.
This year we have decided that the kids can turn in their candy for money in their piggy bank. The can pick out 10 pieces and then the rest goes to the garbage or donations. Would love to hear your ideas on what you are doing with your 'not so healthy Halloween treats'.