Wow can you believe it has been 50 days since I have started this process? Doesn’t feel like it has been that long. Amazing.
Thursday morning we headed to the park, not knowing what was in store for us. The sun was shinning the air was crisp, perfect for a serious crazy butt kicking workout. My trainer was way to excited about what she had up her sleeve. We warmed up and then we were told to head to the hill. UGH! Really hills again. Secretly I was excited.
I headed to the hill we ran our .50 miles to the final destination, where we were told to do a warm up and stop at the top. The our trainer strategically placed two orange cones breaking the stretch into 3 sections. We were to start at the bottom run up to the first cone and turn around and run back. Without stopping we then had to run back up the hill to the second cone turn around and recover to the bottom. Again without stopping we were to run back up the hill to the top and turn around and recover run to the bottom. When we reached the bottom, we had to start all over again 4 times. WOW.
It was amazing. I am pretty proud of myself. I made faces, grunts not so nice words. but I did it.
4.25 miles of hills. Yay me!