Friday, January 8, 2010

Training Day 1

It was sooo cold.  I think maybe it got to under 40 degrees by 6pm.  Stephen had taken me shopping for some appropriate cold weather workout clothes.  I am so glad he did.  I was jumping in place for the first 10 minutes waiting for the fun to begin. Lets back up a few minutes though.  It took me a good 15 min. to actually get the courage to get out of the car.  I am just plain shy and have a love/hate relationship with new things when I don’t have a buddy to keep me company.  Thankfully there were a lot of women who came alone too.  Good for them (us)!

When training started, it started slow for me.  I don’t usually workout in the evening, I am usually drinking an adult beverage by then (maybe two)!  But soon I started to warm up and it didn’t feel so cold anymore.  The more I moved the warmer I got. Planking and ab work OUCH! If I don’t do another crunch in the next few days I won’t be sad.

After warm-up, we then talked about running groups, I started to panick.  Ok, I am not a walker hoping to become a jogger or a jogger/walker or a runner I am a jogger that wants to be a runner (or you could call me a very very slow small stride runner).  There were three groups.  I didn’t fit in perfectly with any of them.  So I kind of made an in between group with a few other women.  I was no longer panicking.  I actually was just like those few other women and I started to feel more comfortable.  I had made myself a “running” playlist for my ipod, so I would have music that would push me to run.  I ran and ran and ran.  I ran faster then I had ran in a long time.  And it felt so natural and like I had been doing it for years.  I caught myself actually smiling at times.  I was giving my self a pat on the back!

After the run and a little bit of stretching and a potty break  (I wish they made diapers for people who ran) we did many, many, many sets of pushups and bicycles, I was anxiously waiting for the final final final from Lorri Ann. As that came I pushed my upper body up for the last time, and moved onto drills.  We have a running coach (I am super excited about this) she had us doing really funny looking (but very effective) drills for posture and conditioning.  I haven’t decided if I will be doing them in the front yard yet!

All in all it was a fantastic night.  I left feeling really great.  I was happy, my body was tired but exhilarated from being pushed so hard and I was looking forward to my Epsom Salt bath and tea. 

The amazing thing is that after I got in the car, I realized I was no longer cold, and could not remember feeling cold during or after the run.  Weather appropriate clothing is a must!  I will be getting pants, underwear and socks next!!!

Friday’s are my off days, so no training just stretching for 20 minutes.  Back on Saturday when I do my 35 minute run, which quite possibly be a 15 min run, depending on how the chin feels.

happy exercising.


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